What We Do
Student Dining Surveys Created By Students, For Students.
Current dining survey platforms are not built for engagement.
They Lack:
Attractive Interfaces For Data Collection
Longitudinal Data collection and Interpretation
Easy Integration That Enhance School Incentives
We Provide:
Fun, Engaging, Effective
Simply Swipe up, down, left, or right to show whether you like a dish!
Earn tickets to participate in exclusive menu deciding polls and leaderboards!
Easy, Holistic, & Longitudinal
Our chef dashboard is made to be simple and comprehensible. No hidden quirks, easily track student satisfaction and identify improvements in a matter of 5 minutes!
Built with incentives in mind
Student leaderboards, student analytics, and accessible student information is made with the intention of enhancing current school incentives! We only want to foster a stronger school culture rather than disrupt one!